rough toes
my toe is rough. like sand. i am sand! i am rough. my hair grows in loops. when i wake up every day, i pick out the loops and scrape off the dandruff. -scrapes head stupidly- that is correct! i have dandruff. you may call me dandruff. like happy tree friends, you know? YEAH.
anyone knows how to defeat the chia clown in neopets? and voldemort in harry potter and the philosopher's stone? i tried grabbing his face but then ah, he killed me! so evil know.
-sniggers happily- jay chou is stupid because my sister likes playing his music. no matter how dumb jay chou is, seeelvarster is dumba. like the elephant! i am not dumb! i am not dung! sylvester and me, we're not dungy friends. -rubs teeth with thumb stupidly-
i cry every day at three o' clock.